var piesiteFired = 0; var $ = jQuery;
$(document).ready(function() { var $win = $(window), $win_height = $(window).height(), // - A multiple of viewport height - The higher this number the sooner triggered. windowPercentage = $(window).height() * 1.2; $win.on("scroll", scrollReveal); function scrollReveal() { var scrolled = $win.scrollTop();
/////////////////////////////////////// // Bar Charts scroll activate, looking for .trigger class to fire. $(".trigger").each(function() { var $this = $(this), offsetTop = $this.offset().top; if ( scrolled + windowPercentage > offsetTop || $win_height > offsetTop ) { $(this).each(function(key, bar) { var percentage = $(this).data("percentage"); $(this).css("height", percentage + "%");
/////////////////////////////////////// // Animated numbers /* $(this).prop("Counter", 100).animate( { Counter: $(this).data("percentage") }, { duration: 2000, easing: "swing", step: function(now) { $(this).html("
"); } } ); */ // Animated numbers /////////////////////////////////////// });
} else { /////////////////////////////////////// // To keep them triggered, lose this block. $(this).each(function(key, bar) { $(this).css("height", 0); }); }
/////////////////////////////////////// // Horizontal Chart $(".chartBarsHorizontal .bar").each(function() { var $this = $(this), offsetTop = $this.offset().top; if ( scrolled + windowPercentage > offsetTop || $win_height > offsetTop ) { $(this).each(function(key, bar) { var percentage = $(this).data("percentage"); $(this).css("width", percentage + "%"); /////////////////////////////////////// // Animated numbers $(this).prop("Counter", 0).animate( { Counter: $(this).data("percentage") }, { duration: 2000, easing: "swing", step: function(now) { $(this).text(Math.ceil(now)); } } ); // Animated numbers /////////////////////////////////////// });
} else { /////////////////////////////////////// // To keep them triggered, lose this block. $(this).each(function(key, bar) { $(this).css("width", 0); }); }
/////////////////////////////////////// // Radial Graphs - scroll activate $(".piesite").each(function() { var $this = $(this), offsetTop = $this.offset().top; if ( scrolled + windowPercentage > offsetTop || $win_height > offsetTop ) { if (piesiteFired == 0) { timerSeconds = 3; timerFinish = new Date().getTime() + timerSeconds * 1000; $(".piesite").each(function(a) { pie = $("#pie_" + a).data("pie"); timer = setInterval( "stoppie(" + a + ", " + pie + ")", 0 ); }); piesiteFired = 1; } } else { // To keep them triggered, lose this block. $(".piesite").each(function() { piesiteFired = 0; }); } }); } scrollReveal();
/////////////////////////////////////// // The Radial Graphs ///////////////////////////////////////
// The following code is originally from the excellent pen: // by Stephen Scaff
function stoppie(d, b) { var c = (timerFinish - new Date().getTime()) / 1000; var a = 100 - c / timerSeconds * 100; a = Math.floor(a * 100) / 100; if (a <= b) { drawTimer(d, a); } else { b = $("#pie_" + d).data("pie"); arr = b.toString().split("."); $("#pie_" + d + " .percent .int").html(arr[0]); } }